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- The file you have requested from the ARRL Email Information Server
- (info@arrl.org) has been changed or deleted. A copy of the latest index
- file has been attached to this message for your convenience.
- Best Regards, Michael Tracy, KC1SX, ARRL Technical Information Services
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- American Radio Relay League, Inc. Tel: 1-203-666-1541
- 225 Main Street Fax: 1-203-665-7531
- Newington, CT 06111 Email: mtracy@arrl.org
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Files available from INFO:
- ---------------- ---- ------ --------------------
- # These files have been prepared as a membership service by the
- # American Radio Relay League, Inc., Technical Information Service,
- # 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 (203) 666-1541.
- # Email: tis@arrl.org
- # ARRL HQ is glad to provide this information free of charge as a
- # service to League members and affiliated clubs.
- # For your convenience, you may reproduce this information,
- # electronically or on paper, and distribute it to anyone who needs
- # it, provided that you reproduce it in its entirety and do so free
- # of charge.
- # If you have any questions concerning the reproduction or distribution
- # of this material, please contact Michael Tracy, KC1SX, Technical
- # Information Service Coordinator, American Radio Relay League, 225 Main
- # St., Newington, CT 06111 (email: mtracy@arrl.org).
- # FILES AVAILABLE FROM info@arrl.org
- #Note - the file names are not case sensitive.
- #--------------- ---- ------ --------------------
- CLUBS.XX 384 930818 List of clubs -- substitute state for XX
- EXAMACCM.TXT 5k 921020 Exam accommodations - for disabled applicants
- EXAMEXMT.TXT 4k 921020 Morse code exemptions for severely-handicapped
- applicants
- EXAMINFO.TXT 9k 921020 Examinations - what to bring - VEC/FCC
- requirements
- EXAMNEWS.TXT 15k 921020 Exam-procedure changes - ARRL VE Express
- Newsletter
- EXAMS.TXT 77k 940517 Current exam schedule info - updated bi-weekly
- IMPROVE.VEC 2k 921203 News release on ARRL VEC program improvements
- PROSPECT.TXT 2k 940202 How to get your Amateur Radio license
- PROSPECT.VE 5k 921021 What is required to become a Volunteer Examiner
- 610INSTR.TXT 3k 940223 Using FCC Form 610 - license changes- renewal-
- lost etc.
- # Note - If you are not yet an Amateur Radio operator retrieve the
- # file PROSPECT.TXT (send PROSPECT.TXT) for information on how to easily
- # get started in this fun hobby. Newcomers and old-timers alike may also
- # want to retrieve the files listed under FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
- # later in this index. Those interested in exams see also the files
- # listed under QUESTION POOLS later in this index.
- # Note - The graphics used in some of the question pools (schematics etc)
- # are not included. Copies of the graphics are available from the ARRL
- # VEC for an SASE. There are no graphics in the general class question
- # pool.
- #Note - These are 50K-65K size files
- #Note - Any questions about these pools or the ARRL VE program should
- # be directed to bjahnke@arrl.org
- LOCKED.OUT 351 940325 Outdated and defective questions (See April 94
- QST)
- NOVICE-1.NEW 46k 931008 Novice Pool - Part 1 - Begin use 7/1/93
- NOVICE-2.NEW 49k 931130 Novice Pool - Part 2 - Begin use 7/1/93
- TECH-1.NEW 37k 930317 Technician Pool - Part 1 - Begin use 7/1/93
- TECH-2.NEW 45k 931130 Technician Pool - Part 2 - Begin use 7/1/93
- GEN-1.ASC 48k 921023 General Pool - Part 1 - Expires 6/30/94
- GEN-1.NEW 39k 940209 General Pool, New - Part 1 - Begin use 7/1/94
- GEN-2.ASC 41k 921023 General Pool - Part 2 - Expires 6/30/94
- GEN-2.NEW 45k 940209 General Pool, New - Part 2 - Begin use 7/1/94
- ADV-1.ASC 55k 921023 Advanced Pool - Part 1 - Expires 6/30/95
- ADV-2.ASC 54k 921023 Advanced Pool - Part 2 - Expires 6/30/95
- ADV-3.ASC 41k 921023 Advanced Pool - Part 3 - Expires 6/30/95
- EXTRA-1.ASC 62k 921023 Extra Pool - Part 1 - Expires 6/30/96
- EXTRA-2.ASC 55k 921023 Extra Pool - Part 2 - Expires 6/30/96
- EXTRA-3.ASC 33k 921023 Extra Pool - Part 3 - Expires 6/30/96
- MACSTACK.TXT 3k 940120 HyperCard stacks/study guides for Mac computers
- AGUIDE.CII 42k 930909 How to become an ARRL publications author
- ARRLCAT.TXT 44k 940516 Catalog of ARRL Publications - commercial content
- DIR.HQ 5k 931213 Visiting ARRL HQ - directions and tour
- information
- DIRECTOR.TXT 5k 940330 ARRL Board of Directors addresses/telephone
- numbers
- FILES.BBS 75k 930517 Files available on the ARRL land-line bulletin
- board
- HIRAM.TXT 896 921203 How to use HIRAM - the ARRL land-line bulletin
- board 203-666-0578
- JOIN.TXT 2k 940117 How become an ARRL member
- LTR12N1.TXT 26k 931116 The ARRL Letter Jan 11 1993 (Vol 12 No. 1)
- LTR12N2.TXT 21k 931116 The ARRL Letter Jan 27 1993 (V 12 N 2)
- LTR12N3.TXT 18k 931116 The ARRL Letter Feb 10 1993 (V 12 N 3)
- LTR12N4.TXT 18k 931116 The ARRL Letter Feb 24 1993 (V 12 N 4)
- LTR12N5.TXT 24k 940525 The ARRL Letter Mar 10 1993 (V 12 N 5)
- LTR12N6.TXT 18k 940525 The ARRL Letter Mar 24 1993 (V 12 N 6)
- LTR12N7.TXT 21k 940525 The ARRL Letter Apr 13 1993 (V 12 N 7)
- LTR12N9.TXT 21k 940525 The ARRL Letter May 12 1993 (V 12 N 9)
- LTR12N10.TXT 25k 940525 The ARRL Letter May 25 1993 (V 12 N 10)
- LTR12N11.TXT 21k 940525 The ARRL Letter Jun 15 1993 (V 12 N 11)
- LTR12N14.TXT 23k 940525 The ARRL Letter Jul 24 1993 (V 12 N 14)
- LTR12N15.TXT 21k 940525 The ARRL Letter Aug 11 1993 (V 12 N 15)
- LTR12N16.TXT 17k 940525 The ARRL Letter Aug 25 1993 (V 12 N 16)
- LTR12N17.TXT 19k 940525 The ARRL Letter Sep 14 1993 (V 12 N 17)
- LTR12N18.TXT 15k 940525 The ARRL Letter Sep 27 1993 (V 12 N 18)
- LTR12N19.TXT 18k 931116 The ARRL Letter Oct 12 1993 (V 12 N 19)
- LTR12N20.TXT 18k 931116 The ARRL Letter Oct 26 1993 (V 12 N 20)
- LTR13N2.TXT 22k 940525 The ARRL Letter Jan 26 1994 (V 13 N 2)
- LTR13N3.TXT 18k 940525 The ARRL Letter Feb 10 1994 (V 13 N 3)
- MINUTES.BRD 23k 940324 ARRL Board of Directors 1/94 meeting minutes
- NEW 9k 931102 List of files that have been changed or added
- since 5/1/93
- QST-IDX.89 43k 940131 Index of QST articles for 1989
- QST-IDX.90 52k 940131 Index of QST articles for 1990
- QST-IDX.91 51k 940203 Index of QST articles for 1991
- QST-IDX.92 51k 940225 Index of QST articles for 1992
- QST-IDX.93 56k 940225 Index of QST articles for 1993
- QSTDIG01.93 38k 940323 Digest (summary) of the articles in January 1993
- QSTDIG02.93 40k 940323 Digest of the articles in February 1993 QST
- QSTDIG03.93 38k 940323 Digest of the articles in March 1993 QST
- QSTDIG04.93 37k 940323 Digest of the articles in April 1993 QST
- QSTDIG05.93 41k 940329 Digest of the articles in May 1993 QST
- QSTDIG06.93 41k 940405 Digest of the articles in June 1993 QST
- QSTDIG07.93 31k 940412 Digest of the articles in July 1993 QST
- QSTDIG08.93 34k 940419 Digest of the articles in August 1993 QST
- QSTDIG09.93 32k 940516 Digest of the articles in September 1993 QST
- QSTDIG10.93 43k 940602 Digest of the articles in October 1993 QST
- QSTDIG11.93 49k 940602 Digest of the articles in November 1993 QST
- REALARRL.TXT 3k 940302 Editorial by KA1CV about what is the REAL ARRL
- SERVICES.TXT 5k 931202 A condensed list of ARRL membership services
- SUMMARY.93 11k 940125 How many of each file were sent by info@arrl.org
- in 1993
- SUMMARY.94 19k 940524 How many of each file have been sent by
- info@arrl.org in 1994
- TOUR.TXT 27k 930908 An electronic tour of ARRL Headquarters
- USERS.TXT 8k 940504 List of HQ Email addresses
- VIDEO.ASC 4k 940202 Videos available from the ARRL
- AMPRNET.TXT 7k 930416 TCP/IP AMPRNET Coordinators
- AWARDS.TXT 7k 940425 Info about ARRL operating awards
- BANDPLAN.TXT 11k 940210 ARRL Recommended Band Plans
- CONCOM1.TXT 9k 940227 The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 1
- CONCOM2.TXT 8k 940227 The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 2
- CONCOM3.TXT 8k 940227 The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 3
- CONCOM4.TXT 26k 940227 The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 4
- CONCOM5.TXT 9k 940227 The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 5
- CONCOM6.TXT 16k 940227 The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 6
- CONCOM7.TXT 8k 940227 The Condo Communicator newsletter, issue 7
- DXCCLIST.TXT 36k 940208 Official ARRL DXCC list plus notes February 1994
- edition
- DXCCK2DI.TXT 17k 931022 K2DI DXCC list
- DXCCRULE.TXT 29k 940208 The ARRL DXCC awards program regulations
- DX_W2IOL.DOC 35k 931022 How to use the W2IOL DXCC list - other useful
- info
- DX_W2IOL.A-P 65k 931022 W2IOL DXCC list A-P
- DX_W2IOL.Q-Z 54k 931022 W2IOL DXCC list Q-Z - Antarctica - USA - beacons
- FIELDREP.TXT 51k 930923 ARRL DXCC Field Checkers 7/16/93 edition
- HFBANDS 7k 930909 Breakdown of users of HF spectrum
- CONTESTS.94 1k 940413 1994 ARRL contest calendar
- CONTEST.DAT 1k 921203 Suggested standard format for ARRL contest log
- submissions
- 10GHZ.FRM 2k 940414 ARRL 10-GHz Cumulative Contest Form
- 10M.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL 10-meter contest entry form
- 160M.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL 160-meter contest entry form
- ARRLDX.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL DX contest entry form
- EME.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL International EME Competition Form
- FD.FRM 5k 940414 ARRL Field Day Form
- IARU.FRM 3k 940414 IARU HF World Championship Form
- JANVHF.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes Form
- NOVSS.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL November Sweepstakes Form
- NR.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL Novice Roundup Form
- RTTY.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL RTTY Roundup Form
- SKN.FRM 2k 940414 ARRL Straight Key Night Form
- SPRINTS.FRM 2k 940414 ARRL Spring Sprints Form
- UHF.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL Auguest UHF Contest Form
- VHFQSO.FRM 3k 940414 ARRL June and Sept VHF QSO Party Form
- HAMFESTS.USA 35k 940405 The ARRL listing of nationwide hamfests and
- conventions
- STORES.TXT 4k 940120 Listing of local Amateur Dealers by state
- HISTORY.TXT 4k 930916 Information about ham-radio history items
- ITUCALLS.TXT 7k 940325 List of ITU callsign allocation blocks
- MORSE.TXT 9k 940105 Handy operating aids for Morse code
- GLOSSARY.PKT 7k 921203 A packet radio glossary of terms
- PACKET.TXT 3k 930108 A brief introduction to packet radio
- PACKET.NEW 14k 930108 A packet radio overview by NM1D
- TCP.TXT 20k 940225 General info about TCP/IP and AMPRNET
- HOWTO.NTS 14k 921203 Info on sending National Traffic System traffic
- via packet
- Q-SIGS 1k 921203 ARRL list of Amateur Radio Q-signals
- QRP-INFO.TXT 1k 930916 QRP-ARCI and other QRP club addresses
- INCOM.QSL 7k 940524 Instructions for incoming QSL bureau
- OUTGO.QSL 7k 940524 Instructions for outgoing QSL bureau
- RULES.DX 10k 930310 Rules for the ARRL DX Contest
- RULES.NR 4k 930310 Rules for the ARRL Novice Roundup
- RULES.WAC 2k 921203 Rules for the Worked All Continents award
- RULES.WAS 4k 921203 Rules for the ARRL Worked All States awards
- program
- JANSWEEP 10k 930120 Rules for the ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes
- SAREX.1 3k 940317 Updated SAREX Support Services for educators
- SAREX.2 8k 940202 SAREX flight hardware and mission objectives
- SAREX.3 7k 940317 Information on upcoming SAREX missions (hams in
- space)
- SAREX.4 2k 940202 Brief summary of SW radio frequencies for info
- about SAREX
- SAREX.5 24k 940317 SAREX Bulletin
- SAREX.7 7k 940317 SAREX STS-59 Fact Sheet (April 1994)
- SAREX.9 9k 940517 SAREX STS-65 Fact sheet 7/8/94
- SAREX.AP 3k 940317 SAREX Application Form for educators
- SAREX.QSL 1k 940317 SAREX QSLing information
- EVENT.TXT 9k 921214 Special Events Communications do's and don'ts
- SWLABBR.TXT 21k 931116 Common abbreviations for shortwave listening
- SWLCHART.TXT 5k 940104 Handy chart for shortwave listening
- COUNTY.TXT 37k 940228 List of USA counties - for county hunters
- VUCCAPP.TXT 8k 930209 ARRL VUCC award info and application
- W1AW.SKD 2k 940418 W1AW schedule of transmissions and operation
- 10-10.INF 2k 940210 10-10 International Net information
- 160METER 4k 921203 160 meter operation - antennas etc.
- # Article bibliographies are available for all of the major amateur
- # magazines. To retrieve a particular bibliography, use the name of
- # the bib as it appears in the !LIST.TXT file.
- !LIST.TXT 8k 940607 ARRL bibliographies avail from the server
- # Individual W1AW bulletins are also available. Request bulletins by using:
- # SEND ARLB001 (for ARRL General Bulletin number 1)
- # Where ARLB001 is the Bulletin IDentifier (BID) that appears in
- # each of the W1AW Bulletin Description files.
- 1993ARLB.DES 5k 931229 Descriptions of W1AW General Bulletins for 1993
- 1994ARLB.DES 2k 940607 Descriptions of W1AW General Bulletins for 1994
- ARLD.DES 703 940607 Descriptions of W1AW DX Bulletins
- ARLK.DES 1k 940607 Descriptions of W1AW Keplerian Bulletins
- ARLP.DES 769 940607 Descriptions of W1AW Propagation Forecasts
- 1993ARLS.DES 3k 931109 Descriptions of W1AW Space Bulletins for 1993
- 1994ARLS.DES 1k 940607 Descriptions of W1AW Space Bulletins for 1994
- 1993ARLX.DES 1k 931120 Descriptions of W1AW Special Bulletins for 1993
- 1994ARLX.DES 960 940520 Descriptions of W1AW Special Bulletins for 1994
- ITSLEGAL.ASC 27k 921203 What is legal in emergency communications
- ADDRESSE.FCC 13k 931202 FCC Field Office addreses - by state/county
- 610INSTR.TXT 3k 940223 Using FCC Form 610 - license changes - renewal -
- lost etc.
- 97113.TXT 3k 930929 New FCC Rules part 97.113 (permissable
- communications)
- VANITY.TXT 20k 931230 FCC NPRM 93-305 - Rules to implement a vanity
- callsign system.
- 93-305.RPT 16k 940411 ARRL Report on Preferred Callsigns (93-305)
- CONTACT.FCC 4k 921021 How and WHEN to contact FCC - phone #s and
- addresses
- 147000.FCC 1k 921203 FCC news release of 144 stations being fined
- ALLOCATE.TXT 4k 931213 Amateur Frequency Allocations
- HJRES199.TXT 3k 940125 Congressional Joint Resolution supporting Amateur
- Radio
- HR73.ASC 2k 921203 House Resolution Bill #73 text
- HR2626.TXT 4k 940125 Amateur Radio Volunteer Services Act of 1993
- COMMENTS.TXT 1k 940125 How to submit comments on an NPRM to the FCC
- PRB1.FLA 3k 921203 Florida Version of PRB1 antenna ordinance law
- PROTECT.ACT 2k 921203 News release - The Amateur Radio Spectrum
- Preservation Act
- RECIPOP.TXT 5k 940325 US/ worldwide reciprocal operating countries list
- RIB.TXT 1k 930916 ARRL Reg. Info. Branch functions services and
- handouts - list
- ANTSIND.TXT 17k 940127 Indoor and limited-antennas - QST Lab Notes
- December 1992
- AWG-CUR.TXT 3k 930916 Current rating of wire by AWG size
- MULTIANT.TXT 4k 930916 Article about ladder-line type multi-band antenna
- ARGOSY.TXT 2k 930916 Hint re: Ten Tec Argosy tuning stability problem
- AUTO.RFI 8k 931202 List of auto mfgr address/telephone - contact
- about auto RFI
- AX25-1.DOC 32k 930819 AX-25 protocol - part 1 of 2
- AX25-2.DOC 34k 930819 AX-25 protocol - part 2 of 2
- BIOEFFEC.TXT 29k 921203 Information about RF safety
- BIO.TXT 21k 940324 Additional information on Bioeffects
- PRODREV1.TXT 12k 930227 Which rig is best? Part 1 - QST Lab Notes
- PRODREV2.TXT 22k 930227 Which rig is best? Part 2 - QST Lab Notes
- CATVFRQ.TXT 16k 940508 Cable TV frequencies (for RFI)
- COMPRFI.TXT 21k 940321 Tips to fix computer RFI
- PCX.TXT 27k 931031 Schematic Symbols from October 1993 QST, ZIPped
- DSPBIB.TXT 2k 930920 Bibliography of DSP articles and books
- EMERG.PWR 6k 930916 Emergency power - From QST Lab Notes column -
- sources
- RFIGEN.TXT 37k 931118 How to solve an EMI/RFI problem - QST Lab Notes
- 1/92
- RFIAUDIO.TXT 14k 930916 How to solve interference to audio devices
- CATVI.TXT 4k 930916 Info about cable TVI
- FENCE.TXT 1k 931101 Info on EMI from hidden fences (for pets)
- FCCTELE.TXT 25k 940323 FCC Telephone Interference Survey
- GROUND.TXT 6k 940508 Information on grounding your station
- KEPFMT.TXT 3k 940525 Explanation of Keplerian numbers
- RFLAMP.TXT 4k 930916 Info about EMI potential of RF-powered lamps
- EMCSTDS.TXT 6k 930916 Brief description of EMC standards and standards
- bodies
- RFISOURC.TXT 13k 931202 Where to buy filters - EMI-proof telephones etc.
- TEL.TXT 22k 921203 How to solve a telephone EMI/RFI problem
- RFILAMPS.TXT 6k 931118 Interference to and from touch-to-switch lamps
- LIGHTNIN.TXT 6k 930916 KE4ZV discussion about lightning and roof-top
- towers
- SWRIGREV.TXT 48k 940321 Reviews of shortwave receivers by various
- internet
- users
- SATFREQS.TXT 5k 940305 Active Amateur Satellite Frequencies and modes
- SUBSTITU.TXT 14k 921203 How to make parts substitutions - QST Lab Notes
- PLL.BIB 2k 931123 Short bibliography of college texts about
- phase-lock loop oscillators
- PRODREV.TXT 48k 931129 Bibliography of QST Product Reviews (large file)
- PR-SUM.TXT 6k 930916 Summary of Product Review test results
- RFIIGNIT.TXT 3k 940420 Information on Auto Ignition Interference
- SSTV.TXT 37k 940418 Info about slow-scan television
- SWL-ADDR.TXT 33k 930707 Addresses for short-wave broadcast stations
- CARPLOOP.TXT 11k 921203 Construction article about indoor SWL antenna
- TIS-LIST.TXT 5k 940228 List of paper files available from ARRL TIS
- TVI.TXT 14k 940216 Info about EMI and RFI to TVs, VCRs and Cable TV
- systems
- VHFINDEX.ASC 30k 930916 Index to the ARRL VHF Conference Proceedings
- since
- 1987
- WWVINFO.TXT 20k 940525 General information about WWV
- ADDRESS.TXT 18k 940405 Lots and lots of ham/electonic company addresses
- DIPMTSR.TXT 1k 930916 Places to buy 'grid' dip meters
- DSPVENDR.TXT 1k 940218 Sources for DSP components and technology
- RFISOURC.TXT 13k 931202 Where to buy filters - EMI-proof telephones etc.
- FCOUNTSR.TXT 1k 931103 Where to get parts for ARRL Handbook frequency
- counter
- GPSSRC.TXT 20k 940418 Sources and info for Global Positioning Systems
- HEATHPTS.TXT 2k 930916 Direct telephone/address for Heath Parts Order
- Desk
- HELP.TXT 5k 940325 Help on using the ARRL Automated Email Server
- INDEX.TXT 34k 940425 Listing of files available from info@arrl.org
- KEYS.TXT 2k 940318 Sources for code keys, keyers and practice
- oscillators
- KITS.TXT 19k 940224 List of companies that sell kits
- LASERSRC.TXT 663 930916 Retail sources for LASERs and LASER equipment
- MAILORDR.TXT 26k 940227 List of Mail Order electronics companies
- MANUALS.TXT 23k 930916 Sources for equipment manuals - schematics - QST
- Lab Notes
- MANW7FG.TXT 24k 931202 W7FG Vintage Manuals Co Catalog - ascii version
- MOSFET.TXT 1k 940325 Sources for dual-gate MOSFETS - sub 40673
- PCBOARD.TXT 14k 931001 Where to get prototype PC boards and supplies
- PROPPRGM.TXT 8k 931202 Descriptions and places to buy propagation
- software
- QRPRIGS.TXT 1k 930916 Descriptions and sources for several QRP rigs
- REPAIR.HAM 2k 940124 Companies known to repair ham equipment
- SOFTAMIG.TXT 1k 940321 Amiga software sources
- SOFTMAC.TXT 40k 940321 Where to find MAC ham-radio software
- SOFTRTTY.TXT 43k 931207 PC Programs for decoding RTTY
- SOFTWARE.TXT 19k 940305 Where to find ham-radio software - QST Lab Notes
- SOLAR.TXT 1k 930707 Sources for solar panels and solar cells
- SOLARPAN.TXT 2k 931108 Where to buy solar panels
- TALIST.TXT 8k 940325 Listing of ARRL Technical Advisors
- TESLA.TXT 8k 930916 Where to get info about Tesla coil - construction
- article
- TOPOMAPS.TXT 4k 921221 Where to buy topographical maps
- TUBES.TXT 3k 940314 Where to buy xmit and receive vacuum tubes
- UWAVE.TXT 10k 930428 List of sources of microwave parts and microwave
- bibliography
- YELLSHT.TXT 896 930301 Address of Ham Trader Yellow Sheets
- #QST/QEX information - articles and templates
- INQEX.TXT 4k 921201 What's in recent issues of QEX
- 32864C.PS 59k 921201 10-GHz preamp PC layout from QEX 12/92
- (Postscript)
- CAPDOC.TXT 51k 921203 Excellent description of Civil Air Patrol
- ECCERT 14k 921203 The ARRL Emergency Coordinator's Certification
- course
- EMERG.BBS 9k 921203 The use of packet radio for emergency
- communications BBS.
- FIELD.LST 2k 921203 List of additional Field files available from
- info@arrl.org
- SSCINIT.APP 4k 921203 ARRL Special Service Club initial application
- SSCRENEW.APP 3k 921203 ARRL Special Service Club renewal application
- TRANS.REL 9k 921203 ARRL Radiogram Transmission/Relay procedures
- AMPROMO.ASC 9k 921203 Public-relations info about Amateur Radio - media
- release
- PSHR 1k 921203 1991 Revision of the ARRL Public Service Honor
- Roll criteria
- REDCROSS.TXT 11k 940107 Statement of Understanding Between the ARRL and
- The National Red Cross
- EBARC.MOU 9k 921203 East Bay CA memorandum of understanding with Red
- Cross
- PRESSA.TXT 3k 921203 Press release from Moscow re Russian ARES
- TRAINING.AIR 6k 921203 ARRL Monitoring System training info
- BBS.TXT 12k 930916 List of ham-radio land-line bulletin boards
- QUAKE.TXT 13k 921203 Lessons learned from 1989 California earthquake
- FTP.TXT 5k 940325 How to ftp - a list of a few 'hammy' ftp sites
- HAMPLATE.TXT 5k 930916 How to get a ham-radio license plate by state
- 2010.TXT 4k 930909 Info on repairing RF stage of Sony ICF-2010 SW
- receiver
- HURRICAN 9k 921203 Excellent hurricane tracking article
- MCICOMP.TXT 3k 930916 How to communicate between Internet and MCI and
- CompuServe
- N8EMR.TXT 1k 930401 How to use the N8EMR land-line BBS
- N8EMR.CB 2k 930528 How to use the N8EMR Internet/telephone Callbook
- server
- PACK-INT.TXT 2k 930716 Internet-Amateur packet gateway info
- SADSTORY 2k 930521 Tongue-in-cheek tower-accident tale of woe :-)
- FUJITA.TXT 698 921223 Tornado rating system -- useful for SKYWARN
- operations
- WALLSIGN 2k 921203 Humorous sign for visitors to the ham shack :-)
- #FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) and periodic postings
- # These are the FAQs and other related files from the
- # rec.radio.xxx newsgroups on UseNet.
- ELMERS.LST 60k 940412 Amateur Radio Elmers Resource Directory
- ELMERS.INF 11k 940321 Info about the Amateur Radio Elmers Resource
- Directory
- ELMERS.IDX 15k 940321 Quick-search index of the Elmers list by topic
- FAQ1.TXT 24k 940111 Introduction to the FAQ and Amateur Radio
- FAQ2.TXT 42k 940111 Amateur Radio Organizations Services and
- Information Sources
- FAQ3.TXT 32k 940111 Amateur Radio Advanced and Technical Questions
- FAQUK1.TXT 26k 940418 Frequently Asked Questions from uk.radio.amateur
- part 1 of 2
- FAQUK2.TXT 23k 940418 Frequently Asked Questions from uk.radio.amateur
- part 2 of 2
- FAQ6M.TXT 13k 930622 Frequently Asked Questions about 6 Meter
- Operation
- FAQAPPL1.TXT 33k 940324 FAQs on Apple II computers, part 1 of 2
- FAQAPPL2.TXT 49k 940324 FAQs on Apple II computers, part 2 of 2
- FAQAUD1.TXT 48k 930927 Frequently Asked Questions about audio file
- formats, part 1
- FAQAUD2.TXT 49k 930927 Frequently Asked Questions about audio file
- formats, part 2
- FAQBOOK.TXT 16k 940501 Frequently Asked Questions about Technical Books
- FAQCB1.TXT 12k 940111 Introduction to CB FAQs
- FAQCB2.TXT 31k 940111 Getting started in CB
- FAQCB3.TXT 11k 940111 Communicating with CB
- FAQCB4.TXT 16k 940111 Common CB technical questions
- FAQDSP1.TXT 67k 930927 Frequently Asked Questions about Digital Signal
- Processing, part 1
- FAQDSP2.TXT 41k 930927 Frequently Asked Questions about DSP, part 2
- (Hardware)
- FAQDSP3.TXT 17k 930927 Frequently Asked Questions about DSP, part 3
- (Operating Systems)
- FAQDSP4.TXT 5k 930927 Frequently Asked Questions about DSP, part 4 (FTP
- Sites)
- FAQINDEX.TXT 12k 931115 Index of FAQ files available by FTP
- FAQDIGI.TXT 39k 931025 Packet Radio Questions and Answers
- FAQRTTY.TXT 34k 930928 Frequently Asked Questions about RTTY operation
- FAQSAT.TXT 35k 940510 Frequently Asked Questions on Amateur Satellites
- FAQSW1.TXT 3k 930301 Info about rec.radio.shortwave
- FAQSW2.TXT 28k 940218 SWL Frequently Asked Questions and info
- FAQSWAM.TXT 26k 940218 SWL AM/FM DXing FAQs
- FAQSCAN.TXT 25k 940321 Scanner FAQs
- FAQSCFQ.TXT 23k 940218 How to find scanner frequencies
- # Non-hams are encouraged to retrieve the faq-x.txt series of Amateur
- # Radio FAQs and the prospect.txt file of information about how to get
- # started in Amateur Radio. (Sorry - we can't resist the temptation
- # to win you over. :-)
- # To obtain one of these files from the ARRL Information Mail Server send
- # email to info@arrl.org. (Do not reply directly to this message -- it has
- # been sent from info-serv@arrl.org.) As an example -- to get the prospect
- # file the text of your message should contain ONLY the following:
- SEND PROSPECT.TXT (or prospect.txt)
- #Note!:
- #
- # If you have FTP access, all of these files can be obtained from
- # oak.oakland.edu by anonymous FTP in the files area
- # /pub/hamradio/arrl/infoserver. Retrieve the file index.txt
- # in the /league subdirectory for a complete listing of available
- # files by directory (with descriptions).
- #
- # QST Files note: Binary files mentioned in QST that accompany
- # articles are *NOT* available via the server. This is an email
- # service only and can not send binary files. HOWEVER, these files
- # are available from the FTP site mentioned above. Look for them
- # in the pub/hamradio/arrl/qst-binaries directory.
- #
- # Enjoy this ARRL service. Please direct comments or suggestions (or flames)
- # to mtracy@arrl.org. 73 from ARRL HQ. Michael Tracy - KC1SX.
- #American Radio Relay League Inc.
- #225 Main St
- #Newington CT 06111
- #(203) 666-1541 voice
- #(203) 665-7531 FAX
- #(203) 666-0578 modem BBS
- #E-mail: MCI 215-5052 Internet arrl.org
- *** EOF ***